You may like to explore the DCU Age Friendly University website – link given below.  It provides information about courses being offered and events taking place.  The AFU programme provides access to educational, social, cultural and wellness opportunities.  The...

Update from our President 20 July 2020

I trust that you and your families are safe and well. We held our normal monthly Council meeting in February 2020.  All subsequent scheduled meetings were cancelled due to the Covid-19 restrictions.  In addition, as events unfolded, it became necessary to postpone our...

Programme for Government 2020

A Programme for Government has been agreed between Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party.  It now goes to the parties’ memberships for consideration.  The result of the vote on the Programme for Government by the members of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the...


In preparation for the 2020 AGM, the Standing Orders Committee has corrected some minor typos and omissions and has standardised the use of AGM and Annual General Meeting in the Rules. The result of that exercise is the Rules as printed below. To avoid any future...