The new pay agreement, Building Momentum, has been overwhelmingly endorsed by the public service unions affiliated to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions.
The Building Momentum deal will deliver pay rises of up to 3% over two years and unwind some cuts and additional hours imposed during the financial crisis.
In a statement, the unions described the deal as delivering “modest” 2% pay rises skewed towards those on lower incomes over the next two years, along with a new sectoral bargaining process, which can deliver increases of up to 1% of pensionable pay.
A brief outline of the pay increases proposed in Building Momentum is:
1% on 1 October 2021 and
1% on 1 October 2022.
There is also provision for the equivalent of a 1% increase in annualised basic salaries to be used as a Sectoral Bargaining Fund, for payment on 1 February 2022 to alleviate/settle sectoral anomalies.
The application to pensions of the increases proposed in the agreement would depend on a number of factors (for example, date of retirement or level of pay on which the pension is based). Details will be published on our website when the information becomes available.
If you have any queries about the calculation of your pension, or about the application of any past increases to your pension, you can email the Payroll Shared Service Centre (PSSC) on (citing two of the following: your Personnel Number, your PPSN or your Date of Birth) or contact them by phone on 0761002702 (09:00 to 13:00 Monday to Friday).
The email contact details for retired members of the Defence Forces and military retirees are:;; and