Why join RCPSA
The Retired Civil and public Servants Association, which was founded in 1945, represents 7,200 (approx) retired Civil Servants and Public Servants from An Post, eircom/eir, Teagasc, Irish Aviation Authority and Coillte. This includes widowed persons who are in receipt of a public service pension. Membership Application FormYour membership will give a strong voice to your Association to protect your pension and advocate on your behalf.
- We provide information and advice to individual members.
- We work with other groups that advocate on behalf of retired workers including the Alliance of Retired Public Servants.
Ní neart go cur le chéile – There is strength in numbers.
Please join us and ensure an authoritative voice to fight for your entitlements.
Invitation to Join the RCPSA
The Retired Civil and Public Servants Association was founded in 1945. Membership is open to all retired Civil Servants and Public Servants, including P & T members from An Post, eircom/eir, Irish Aviation Authority, Coillte, Teagasc and professional groups approved in accordance with the Rules. This includes widowed persons in receipt of a public service pension.
What we do
Our mission is to defend and promote the interests of members. To do this effectively, we want to include as many retired colleagues in our membership as possible.
How we do this
We engage directly with Government representatives and Government Departments, making approaches and submissions on relevant issues, including annual pre-Budget submissions. We are affiliated to the Alliance of Retired Public Servants and have representation on the ICTU Retired Workers Committee. We engage with the Alliance, and with other organisations representing retired public servants, to fight for pension restoration, protection of pensions entitlements and improved services for members.
We are governed by a constitution that was adopted by members in May 2024. This constitution is subject to change by the democratic agreement of the membership. We inform members on issues of interest through the publication of regular Newsletters, use of our website, www.rcpsa.ie and attendance by Council members at Branch AGMs.
We would like to invite retired colleagues to join the Association. A strong membership is needed to ensure an authoritative voice.
The annual membership subscription is €20. National Share Services Office (NSSO), An Post and eir will deduct the subscription directly from pension payments, in instalments, throughout the year .
New members from Coillte, Teagasc or any other body which does not provide deduction from pension, or members who do not wish to opt for deduction at source, can make arrangements to pay the Hon. Treasurer directly by indicating that choice on the attached membership form.
If you wish to become a member, please download and complete the application form (see link below) and return it to the address shown below. Payment methods are outlined on the form.
Membership Application, The Hon. Secretary RCPSA, An Post Box 908, South City Delivery Office, Togher Industrial Estate, Cork, T12C825 Email: info@rcpsa.ie Mobile: 087 1317062 Website www.rcpsa.ie
Membership Costs
The annual membership subscription is €20.
PSS, An Post and eir will deduct the subscription directly from pension payments, in instalments, throughout the year .
New members from Coillte, Teagasc or any other body which does not provide deduction from pension, or members who do not wish to opt for deduction at source, can make arrangements to pay the Hon. Treasurer directly by indicating that choice on the attached membership form.
If you wish to become a member, please complete the application form, and return it to the address shown.
How to Join?
Complete our application form
Alternatively, to request an application form:
Tel: 087 1317062 or email info@rcpsa.ie