Pre-Budget submissions on behalf of the RCPSA, for consideration in drawing up Budget 2023, have been recently submitted.

The text of the submission can be accessed below and cover the following 13 key areas:

1. Seeking an independent forum to resolve issues relating to pensions outside the six- month time limit.
2. Pension increases
3. Full Medical Cards for over 70’s and full implementation in reforms in Sláintecare
4. Household Benefits Package for those aged 66-70
5. Universal Social Charge anomaly
6. Report of the Commission on Pension Recommendations.
7. Restoration of the Employee Assistance Service to retired civil servants.
8. Improve Home Care Supports and access to Respite/Residential Care
9. Reinstate free Passports for the over 65’s
10. Adequate Staffing for Customer Service Function in Government Departments
11. Addressing Inflation/Cost of Living increases
12. Climate Change/Energy Conservation
13. Equality